Patatap-style front-end app featuring PaperJS animations. Press any key on the keyboard to create a shape and play a sound.
MERN app with a user database, news scraper, and Nasa Photo API. Mongo database and SPA-style rendering using React Router
MERN app that allows you to search for articles through the New York Times API. Persistent data through Mongo and snappy interface using React.
This is a full-stack project that uses Materialize and JQuery on the frontend, a Node server with Express and Handlebars, and a MySQL database.
MongoDB-based full stack app. Pulls news stories from Hacker News and supports user comments and data persistence.
Full-stack Node app - answer a survey and find friends who can help you survive a Zombie apocalypse.
Front End | Back End |
HTML 5 | Java |
CSS3 | NodeJS |
Javascript | MongoDB |
React | MySQL |
JQuery |